Exercises That Help Prevent Cancer
Realities of Cancer and Its Prevention
Exercise can be a factor in preventing certain cancer types, such as breast and colon cancer. The dean of Purdue's school of consumer and family sciences said that "poor diet and lack of exercise are responsible for just as many cases of cancer as cigarette smoking." He said, "approximately one-third of cancer cases are related to smoking, one-third is related to poor diet and lack of exercise, and one third is related to genetic or other factors."
The Preventative Exercise Routine
Basic walking, jogging, cycling has a multitude of healthy side effects. Make it enjoyable by bringing along headphones and listen to upbeat music. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day. Use every excuse to walk while doing basic errands. Take the stairs instead of the escalator. Choose a parking space a good distance from your destination to create an extra exercise potential. It's all excellent cardiovascular aid, as well. Walk with friends and make it fun. Try dancing lessons to get your heart rate thriving. Sign up for scheduled exercise classes at your gym. Swimming classes have great merit, as well. It is wise to use a heart monitor throughout the workouts.
The Bottom Line of Preventing Cancer
Exercise speeds up the body's metabolism which, in turn, aids in accelerating a person's metabolism. It aids in a quick passage of ingested food through the system. This will help to reduce the time that potential carcinogens can come in contact with the colon mucosal lining.