Side Effects of Meningitis
Meningitis is actually a blanket term that includes viral meningitis and bacterial meningitis. The disorders are so similar in symptoms that tests must be preformed on the patient to tell which form it is. Viral meningitis usually goes away after some time and the patient becomes completely well again. However, with bacterial meningitis, the outcome is intensified and leads to symptoms such as deafness, brain injury and even death. This form is rare and it comes in two types: meningococcal meningitis and pneumococcal meningitis.
Viral Meningitis Symptoms
Usually viral meningitis occurs suddenly. Babies affected may stop eating and be extremely fussy. Babies younger than 18 months may have a rigid or tender back and be excessively fussy. A body rash or a rash just confined to arms and legs will appear. The rash may be raised in areas. Young adults and adults affected will have muscle weakness, headache, tiredness, muscle spasms, insomnia or personality disturbances such as behavioral problems and inability to concentrate. Most recover within 10 to 14 days.
Bacterial Meningitis Symptoms
Symptoms of bacterial meningitis may occur immediately or over a period of two days. In people over the age of 2, symptoms include headache, high fever and stiff neck. Additional symptoms are nausea, sensitivity to light, vomiting, confusion and sleepiness. In an advanced version of the illness, bruises appear under the skin and quickly spread to other parts of the body. In newborns and infants, symptoms may be hard to spot. Additional signs in babies may be irritability, vomiting, inactivity and poor feeding. As the illness grows within the body, seizures will occur as well.
Meningococcal Meningitis Symptoms
Meningococcal meningitis symptoms are headache, fever, chills, stiff neck, vomiting, having a rash which is small with tiny red spots that cover most of the body, and confusion. Other symptoms are seizures, inability to extend legs, coma, stiff knees and neck, and shock.
Pneumococcal Meningitis Symptoms
Symptoms of pneumococcal meningitis are a stiff neck, sensitivity to light, high fever, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, changes in mentality and thinking or behavior, confusion and fast heart rate.
Be vigilant and watch for signs in family and friends. This illness can kill and affect the brain permanently in some cases. Make sure treatment is given as soon as possible.