Home Relief for a Sinus Infection
Take a look at your diet. Avoid foods that tend to form mucus, such as milk, cheese and bread. Even spicy foods can cause extra mucus. Eliminate these things from your diet and you might start to feel better. If you are allergic to a certain food or suspect certain food allergies, avoid them; allergies can cause sinus infections. If desired, get tested for food allergies by a doctor and avoid those foods, especially when symptoms such as those of a sinus infection occur.
Drink apple cider vinegar. As unappealing as this sounds, you might want to give it a try, because many people gain relief from sinus infections this way. Mix 2 teaspoons in one glass of warm water three times a day. You also can take a few drops of grapefruit extract on a full stomach. Potassium supplements and garlic capsules may work, too, because they can dry up mucus. Finally, drink lots of water---at least ten glasses a day. This will help thin the mucus.
Nasal Irrigation
Trying to drain the mucus and loosen it up will relieve the painful pressure of a sinus infection. You can try any or all of these methods.
Take a hot shower. Breathe in the steam through your nose. Place your head over a humidifier and wrap a towel on top of your head to trap in the steam. Be cautious and don't get too close to the source because humidifiers can spew out burning steam vapors.
Take a hot washcloth and place it on top of your face for 10 minutes. This may provide relief from sinus infections. In addition, use saline spray several times a day.