Signs of Getting Over the Flu
Fatigue Subsides
Fatigue can strike a person who is suffering with the flu. The person feels tired all the time and has absolutely no energy. A sign that the person may be getting over the flu is an extra jolt of energy, or perhaps laying around on the couch or in the bed is no longer a necessity. An everyday activity such as getting dressed or even waking up and getting started in the morning, may not require as much effort as when the person was sick.
Reduced Fever
A fever is usually apparent when a person has the flu and can sometimes reach 104 degrees F. A sign that the body is getting over the flu is a fever that begins to drop, and then eventually dissipates. Body chills often accompany a fever during the flu and these will go away as the fever subsides. Reaching for that sweater or extra blanket becomes less frequent as the body recovers from the flu.
Most people who are struck with the flu find that their appetite disappears. When the body is sick, sometimes the last thing it craves is food. Although it is important to drink plenty of liquids as the flu runs its course, eating can sometimes be difficult. Therefore, when the appetite does return, this is a positive sign that the person is getting over the flu. Eating small meals, preferably a bowl of soup, is recommended to avoid any stomach discomfort while the body recovers.
Upper Respiratory Problems
Upper respiratory problems are a common occurrence associated with the flu, such as sneezing, a stuffy nose and a hacking cough. A sign that the body is recovering and getting over the flu can be fewer respiratory issues. The person is no longer constantly wiping or blowing an irritated nose or squeezing a drop of saline into an inflamed nostril. Breathing may become easier, which can result in a better night's sleep or finally being able to take that nap the flu-overtaken body may crave during the day.
Curtailed Body Aches
Body aches and muscle discomfort is a familiar complaint among those who have the flu. Sufferers may moan of their entire body feeling "achy" and this is usually accompanied with the flu. A sign that the person is getting over the flu may be the body feeling less achy, muscles becoming stronger once again--and even that annoying headache has become history.