How to Avoid Over-Exposure To the Sun and Humidity
Many of us go about taking care of our own lawn and gardens throughout the summer months. Many people enjoy planting flowers, cutting grass, and landscaping. However, it is important to keep in mind that anyone young or old can suffer devastating consequences resulting from over-exposure of the Sun.
Hats, sunglasses, and protective clothing provide some shield from the Sun and the humidity that the summer months bring. If you plan on gardening in the heat, it would be best to do your work later in the afternoon, possibly around dinnertime. In addition, after dinner may be the perfect time to garden. After 4pm the Sun begins to slowly set and the heat and humidity it brings begin to slowly subside until the next day.
It is a good idea to take frequent breaks if you are gardening in the afternoon. A cool drink will help re-hydrate your system. Try no to drink any cold drink too quickly. Drinking cold beverage too quickly in the heat of the summer can have a negative effect on your entire system.
Finally, it wouldn't to take a cool shower and relax when your work for the day is complete. Human Beings have an internal thermostat similar to the one in your Freezer.