How to Catch Tonsillitis
Eat an unhealthy diet, low on fresh fruits and vegetables. A healthy immune system is the best way to fight off an illness. If you want to contract tonsillitis, you first have to run down your body so it is more susceptible.
Get less than six hours of sleep. Again, sleep helps to boost your immune system. If you want to get tonsillitis, lose your night's rest and your body will lose its ability to fight off illness.
Become aware of your surroundings and the people you spend time with. If you notice someone with a nasty cough or a child with a constant runny nose, get real cozy with that person. Of course, if you want to stay healthy, stay away. The secretions that come from the nose and throat of an infected person carry tonsillitis.
Open all public doors and push shopping carts with your bare hands. Door handles are filthy. People with tonsillitis still go to the grocery store and other public places. If they recently coughed on their hand, then opened the door, their viral or bacterial infection simply waits on the handle for its next victim.
Refrain from washing your hands. Any outside germs you touch cannot transfer to your body if you clean them with antibacterial soap. Therefore, if you want to get sick, don't wash your hands unless they are visibly filthy.
Rub your eyes and nose a lot. The quickest and easiest way to get tonsillitis is to transport the bacteria or virus to your eyes or nose. The mouth also works, but there is a lot of acid in saliva and much of the illness gets killed off this way.