Symptoms of Mold Illness

Mold can cause varying degrees of illness in humans and can also cause significant property damage. Because mold spores are everywhere in our environment, mold can grow easily in the right conditions. The presence of moisture and organic material such as drywall, carpet, or paper, are the only requirements for mold growth. In order to prevent illness, it is important to check your living space for mold and eradicate any mold you find.
  1. Mold Basics

    • Mold is actually a living organism that can grow on any organic material. Organic material is something that is produced from a plant or an animal. You may commonly think of mold growing on an old piece of bread, fruit, or cheese, but mold can also grow on organic surfaces in your home including walls, floors, or ceilings. Mold helps in the decomposition process by breaking down organic material and redistributing nutrients from that material back into the environment.

      Mold reproduces through spores, which you can think of like seeds. Mold spores are easily spread into the environment through air, in water, or even by animals or insects.

    Symptoms of Mold Illness

    • In the presence of something to which you are allergic, also known as an allergen, your immune system will react. Your body will recognize the allergen and begin to respond by producing antibodies to fight what it thinks of as foreign particles. This immune system response can cause symptoms we commonly associate with allergies.

      Many people have allergies to mold just as they would have allergies to cats, grass, or dust. If you are in contact with mold and you have a mold allergy, you can suffer from a stuffy or runny nose, itchy or red eyes, coughing or wheezing, rash, headache, or scratchy throat, or breathing difficulties because your immune system is responding to the mold.

      Every person's individual reaction to mold will be different depending on their sensitivity to mold spores. Individuals with asthma or moderate to severe allergies are typically more sensitive to mold and will exhibit more severe symptoms.

      Another way mold can cause illness is through toxins. Some molds create toxic chemicals that can make you sick. If you are having a reaction from toxins in mold, you may experience a rash, headaches, or trouble breathing.

      Mold can also cause infection. Infection from mold is most common in individuals with a suppressed immune system, such as those with HIV/AIDS or those who have received an organ transplant.

    Detecting Mold

    • Ideally, you would detect mold in your home before you were tipped off to its presence by symptoms of mold illness. If a home has flooding, leaks, drainage problems, or dampness, there may be a moisture problem, which can cause mold growth. Visual signs of moisture problems include warped floors or ceiling tiles, 'bubbled' walls or ceilings, and condensation on or between window mains.

      Mold is often concealed within walls or ceiling tiles that have contact with moisture, making it more difficult to detect. Occasionally, you will see visual cues of mold growth including discolored doors, walls, ceilings, or floors. You may also encounter a musty odor in your home, which can be a good indication that mold is present.

    Eradicating Mold

    • If mold in your home occupies an area less than 10 square feet, you can clean the area. Otherwise, it is best to call a hire a professional to solve the problem. If you are planning on cleaning the mold, it is important to wear gloves to protect your hands from mold spores and cleaning chemicals and to wear a mask to protect yourself from mold spores and further mold illness.

      Even after you have cleaned a mold infested area, mold will continue to grow unless you address the moisture issue that is causing the mold growth. This should be done within one to two days of mold clean-up.

    Special Considerations

    • Mold growth in your home is often worse than it initially appears. Prolonged exposure to mold without proper protective equipment like gloves or masks can further aggravate existing mold illness. It is a good idea to have a professional mold eradication company tackle your mold problem in order to limit your own exposure to mold.

      For more information and detailed instructions on eradicating mold, please review the Environmental Protection Agency's booklet A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home, which can be found at

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