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How to Use Coriander Seeds for Heavy Metal Cleaning
Coriander is also commonly known as cilantro. The seeds of this plant are traditionally used as culinary seasonings in soups, stews and powders. Coriander seeds are also used for their medicinal value. Primarily, they are used for chelating heavy metals, such as mercury, from the human system. The word "chelate" originates from a Greek word meaning to claw or to pull.Dr. Yoshiaki Omura was the first to document the power of coriander as a chelating agent. His findings were reported in a study, cited in an article from Ferlow Botanicals. One way to chelate the body of heavy metals is to make and use a tincture of coriander seeds.
Things You'll Need
- Mason jar or other lidded jar
- Amber dropper bottles
- Mortar and pestle
- Mesh strainer
- Funnel
- Vodka
- Distilled water
- Coriander seeds
Crush 1 cup coriander seeds with a mortar and pestle.
Place the crushed seeds into the jar.
Add 1 cup vodka.
Add 1 cup distilled water.
Screw down the lid tightly. Shake the contents of the jar.
Place the jar in a warm place. Shake it twice per day for 2 weeks.
At the end of 2 weeks, strain the contents of the jar using a mesh strainer.
Use a funnel to distribute the liquid into dropper bottles. There should be enough tincture to fill eight dropper bottles.