Signs & Symptoms of Acute Anemia
Anemia is defined as having a low red blood cell count. While an official diagnosis is recommended if anemia is suspected, anemia is generally thought to be a symptom of an underlying cause rather than a disorder of its own. Anemia is divided into the categories of chronic and acute anemia. While the symptoms of the two are similar, acute anemia differentiates itself by its quick onset and severity.
Signs and symptoms of acute anemia include uncharacteristic extreme tiredness and fatigue, dizziness and unusual paleness of the skin. Hemorrhaging and hemolysis (a breakdown in the red blood cells) are common underlying causes of acute anemia, and symptoms should be noticeable. If yellow colored skin, usually caused by jaundice, and dark urine co-occur, this can be an indicator of hemolysis. A recent trauma and deep bruising of the skin along with signs of acute anemia may point to internal injury, which could cause the hemorrhaging.
In order to accurately diagnosis acute anemia and rule out all possible underlying conditions that may be causing its signs and symptoms, it is important that a thorough medical history is given. Acute anemia can also be caused by exposures to certain drugs, other sources of blood loss and thyroid problems. In order to rule out other diagnosis, a detailed medical family history should also be given, and signs and symptoms should be detailed. Some disorders that could cause acute anemia may have previously gone unnoticed.
Acute anemia can have a detrimental and possibly fatal effects. If acute anemia does not receive immediate medical treatment, death is possible, depending on the cause of the anemia, as well as trauma to vital organs if the signs are not immediately noticed. Blood transfusions are often necessary in treating acute anemia. Other simultaneous conditions that occur with acute anemia symptoms are congestive heart failure and brain damage.
While anemia is considered a universal condition, age and sex can play a large part in who is more susceptible to acute anemia. The symptoms generally remain the same despite different causes of acute anemia. Newborns are sometimes affected by acute anemia due to birth trauma, or may become anemic when going through a quick growth spurt. Teenage girls can become anemic due to unusually heavy periods, and teenagers in general are susceptible to acute anemia due to rapid growth and lack of nutrition as well. Men with a predisposed genetic condition may have blood that does not clot properly, causing acute anemia in even the mildest of trauma.
Although it is not common, acute anemia can occur at the same time as chronic anemia. The signs and symptoms of chronic anemia may come on slowly, until a person has become used to a lower energy level. A sudden onset of more severe lethargy should not be ignored. While chronic anemia is not always serious and can be treated medicinally, acute anemia often needs much more serious and immediate attention, and any signs or symptoms should be quickly followed by a visit to an clinic or emergency room.