How to Clean Blocked Arteries

Blocked arteries occur when plaque builds up in the arteries surrounding the heart. They can cause heart damage, because less oxygen and less blood flows through these arteries. Signs of blocked arteries include frequent napping; dizziness; discomfort while exercising, even for short periods of time; trouble sleeping at night; mood swings and the inability to perform sexually. Severely blocked arteries may require a surgical operation such as angioplasty or bypass surgery. It is sometimes possible, however, to clean out minor blocked arteries without the help of a doctor.

Things You'll Need

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Garlic
  • Carrot juice
  • Honey
  • Lemon juice
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      Change your diet. If you are feeling sluggish and believe this feeling may be due to blocked arteries, the most important thing you can do is change your eating habits. Eat more green, leafy vegetables and eat at least three in-season fruits per day. Stick with lean proteins like low-sodium black beans, lean chicken breast and lean pork. Stay away from fatty, processed foods.

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      Drink a mixture of garlic and apple cider vinegar once daily. Mix 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar with one diced clove of garlic and mix thoroughly. Drink the mixture and follow with a glass of water.

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      Drink one glass of carrot juice daily. Not only is carrot juice considered a serving of vegetables, it is great for circulation. Juice three carrots in a juicer, chill and drink.

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      Drink a mixture of lemon juice and honey daily. Mix 3 tbsp. honey with 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Add 2 tbsp. hot water, mix thoroughly and drink.

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      If you continue to experience symptoms of blocked arteries, including feeling sluggish or dizzy, experiencing sexual dysfunction and having trouble sleeping at night, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

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