Adrenal Gland Overload Symptoms

The adrenal glands are responsible for regulating levels of cortisol and adrenaline in the body and managing the body's resources under stressful conditions. The adrenal glands may increase the heart rate, sharpen the senses and slow down digestion as part of the stress response, but too much stress can tax the body and make adrenal functioning inefficient. This results in a condition known as adrenal gland overload or adrenal fatigue.
  1. Common Causes

    • Some of the most common causes of adrenal gland overload include: physical stress from illness or disease, emotional stress, chronic infections, underproduction of cortisol, general hormonal imbalance and a weak immune system. Stress in the body can cause inflammation and pain that makes the adrenaline glands work harder than usual, resulting in an increased demand for more cortisol. When this demand is not met, the result is adrenal overload.


    • Common symptoms of adrenal gland overload include difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, chronic fatigue, lack of energy in the morning, unexplained pain, especially in the upper back, decreased sex drive, depression, nausea, constipation and diarrhea, unexplained hair loss, food cravings, low blood pressure, low blood sugar and weight gain around the waist.


    • In addition to reviewing basic symptoms of adrenal gland overload, a doctor can conduct several tests to determine any hormonal imbalances or nutritional deficiencies that may be the root of the problem. An Adrenal Function Test (AFT) measures the amount of DHEA and cortisol in the body; the DHEA-S measures levels of DHEA in the saliva; the ACTH test measures the concentration of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in the body, which can be an indicator of adrenal gland dysfunction; a basic cortisol test measures the amount of cortisol in the blood to determine if inflammation or a poorly functioning metabolism are to blame.

    Nutritional Deficiencies

    • Some cases of adrenal gland overload can be treated with nutritional supplementation because the root cause may simply be a poor diet. Diets that are low in magnesium, iron, B vitamins, calcium, Omega-3 fatty acids and 5-HTP may increase the risk of adrenal gland overload because the metabolism is not functioning at its optimal level. Supplements that contain these essential nutrients can support healthy hormone levels, boost immune system functioning, restore a healthy nervous system and increase mental alertness.

    Prescription Medication

    • Only two types of prescription medications are offered for those suffering from adrenal gland overload. Corticosteroids are a synthetic hormone that can relieve inflammation and improve adrenal gland functioning. However, taking these creates the risk of shutting down adrenal function altogether. Hydrocortisone is a bio-identical form of cortisol that can also be prescribed to restore healthy adrenal gland function. However, too much of this medication may also shut down or reduce adrenal functioning. It is commonly prescribed in only the most severe cases.

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