Homeopathic Remedies for a Hangover

Alcohol consumption can result in a hangover for some people after consuming just one beverage. A hangover can include headache, sensitivity to light or sound, dehydration, nausea, confusion, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, difficulty sleeping and nervousness. Getting rid of a hangover can be tough, but natural remedies are available and may offer relief.
  1. Fruits

    • It has been said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away; it may also help cure a hangover when eaten on an empty stomach the day after imbibing. Raw persimmons are also recommended.

    Oils and Extracts

    • The following are claimed to cure hangovers: 2 tsp. of evening primrose oil; 1 tsp. of bifidus powder mixed with a glass of water; prickly pear cactus extract taken 5 hours before drinking; kuduz extract; and nux vomica taken in a tincture of 4 drops every hour.

    Scalp Massage

    • Gather the hair on your head in clumps and massage the scalp. This will stimulate blood flow to the scalp and head and soothe a headache.


    • Add the juice of one whole fresh lemon to black coffee following a night of drinking. Recommended for the morning after is the mixture of 2 tsp. of lime juice and 1 tsp. of sugar to a glass of water sipped slowly.


    • Ginger tea or ginger tablets in 500mg are suggested for a hangover. Peppermint tea is also a natural prescription. Honey taken in 2 to 6 tsp. doses every 20 minutes also may help.


    • Feverfew is often used instead of aspirin to alleviate hangover symptoms. It is less harsh on an already-irritated stomach.

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