Natural Alternatives for Advanced Prostrate Cancer
New Use for an Old Medication
A non-addicting opium derivative, Noscapine has been used for decades to suppress cough. In mice, tumor growth shrank and the spread of cancer was halted in over 60 percent of subjects. Researchers from the University of California in San Diego, the Prostate Cancer Research and Educational Foundation, and the MedInsight Research Institute found Noscapine use to work without unwanted side effects. Use of the drug for advanced prostate cancer is off-label but a study was published in the journal Anticancer Research.
Antioxidants and Minerals
A correlation has been shown between zinc deficiency and prostate cancer so supplementing with this mineral may be helpful. Raw pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc and other substances specific to prostate health. Vitamin E, Selenium and Lycopene are powerful antioxidants that help to maintain proper prostate function by counteracting the damaging effects of free radicals in the cell tissues.
S-allyl-mercaptocysteine (SAMC)
SAMC has been shown by researchers at Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center in New York City to cause breakdown of testosterone by a route that does not create dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone that stimulates cancer growth. SAMC is a compound derived from aged garlic.
Starve Cancer Cells
The China Study, one of the largest and longest running nutritional research efforts, found that a diet containing over 15 percent of milk protein stimulated cancer growth. Tumors in rats could be turned on and off by the addition or subtraction of milk protein from the diet. Red meat has also been shown to increase cancer risk.
Eat to Restore Health
A raw vegan diet consisting of uncooked fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds is the ultimate cancer-fighting diet. While it is difficult not to give into cravings, this simple plant-based diet offers the best hope of cleansing and healing all types of advanced cancer. The Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, is the leading non-profit natural health and education organization in the United States.