How to Get Rid of Mucus in Urine
Things You'll Need
- Fruit juice
- Fruit
- Water
Determine how much mucus is being produced. When analyzing any health irregularities, take exact note of what is going wrong. Write down if the mucus is colored or clear. Observe if it has an odor or no smell at all. Make note of the thickness of the mucus and if it is a continuous stream or globs appearing in the urine stream.
Maintain high levels of fluid intake daily. Water is the body's natural liquid resource. By increasing the water intake, the body can produce more urine and attempt to flush any infection or foreign bodies out of the bladder and urinary tract. Water also helps the body run its immune system and overall health. Keeping water intake high may help fight off any internal infections. The recommended level is 2000 ml. daily.
Keep hygiene a priority. Staying clean and keeping the groin area maintained is a big step towards getting rid of mucus in urine. Make sure to thoroughly clean the genitals after urinating. Be certain to allow the area to "breathe" through cotton underwear. Use wipes often. Urinary tract infections thrive on the moist and hot environment underwear can produce.
If sex is a must, make sure protection is used. Sexual intercourse can worsen an infection especially if the sex is unprotected. Unprotected sex can pass mucus or the source infection to a partner during intercourse and ejaculation. Plus, unprotected sex can irritate the genital area and the areas where an infection may be thriving. No sex is suggested. However, if it is a must, consider wearing a condom or using a diaphragm.
Add fruit and fruit juices to the diet. Fruit and fruit juices can add vitamins to a body as it deals with whatever infection or condition could be causing the mucus in the urine. Consider oranges and cranberry juice. Oranges are high sources of Vitamin C, and cranberry juice assists in removing infections from the urinary tract.
Consult a physician. If the mucus persists or even worsens, consider consulting a physician to get rid of mucus in the urine. This could be a sign of a deep infection or medical condition that could worsen over time. If having children is a consideration, immediately consult a physician to ensure there are no threats to the reproductive factors of the body.