How to Keep Kids from Getting Car Sick - 10 Tips
Use Dramamine or Benadryl. Have them take it before you leave. Be aware that Dramamine causes drowsiness. Some people it really knocks out. For kids under 12, break a pill in half and that should be sufficient. Of course read the directions first or ask the pharmacist when you are buying it what dosage they recommend. Benadryl has less side effects, but again read the label.
Sea Bands work well and are more of a natural solution. They work by applying pressure to points on the wrists. You can get them at most drugstores in the same section as the motion sickness medicine. If your kids are prone to car sickness, I recommend keeping a set or 2 in the car. They are safe to use for kids and adults.
Pack a cooler with cold drinks for your trip. I recommend clear and non-caffeinated sodas or drinks. Keeping cool and hydrated helps. The carbonation in soda helps combat queasiness. Carbonated bottled water is just as good and less of a spill problem. Probably the best is ginger ale, as the ginger helps fight queasiness.
Part of your car sickness prevention kit should be some ginger candy for the same reason as ginger ale. Packing ginger snap cookies as a snack for the road is helpful, and kids like them. Peppermint candies are good to help settle upset stomachs too.
Have the child sit in the middle seat or up front if possible. This way they are looking out the front window, rather than seeing the motion of scenery whizzing by the side windows. Don't let them sit backwards in rear seats if they are prone to motion sickness.
Don't let them read in a moving vehicle, this should go without saying. Anything that requires fixed attention in a moving vehicle like a video game or DVD could cause problems after a while as well. Have them take a 10-minute break from movies or video games every 30 to 45 minutes.
Keep cool. Getting overheated in a vehicle could lead to problems. This applies in Winter as well as Summer. If they are all bundled up and the heat is on high, they could start feeling sick quickly. In Summer, use the air conditioning and have them aim the AC vent so they can feel the cool breeze on their face if possible. Make sure you use the rear AC as well as the front. It can get stuffy in the back, especially the far back seats. Investing a couple of dollars in a mini softbladed travel fan that kids can hold will help. It's another good item to have in your car travel kit.
Drive casually and maintain a constant speed. Don't speed up to traffic in front of you, then have to apply the brakes. Drive so there is not a lot of stop and go. If you are on curvy roads, take it easy so the passengers are not being rocked from side to side. Don't surge in highway driving. That is when you apply the gas, then get off the gas when you reach your speed, then apply it again and over and over. It creates a rocking sensation for the passengers that is unpleasant.
Stop from time to time to let kids stretch their legs and get some air. It helps settle their stomachs, and helps keep them from getting fidgety and cramping from sitting in the same position for a long time.
If you have a cooler with cold sodas in it, also keep a ziploc bag with a wet washcloth in it. If anyone starts feeling bad, pull out the washcloth and wipe their face and have them hold it against their forehead. A cold pack held against the forehead or back of the neck for a few minutes helps.