Physical Symptoms of First Year Stress in College
Fluctuations in Weight
Visible fluctuations in weight, including both weight gain and weight loss, are signs of stress caused by turning to unhealthy eating habits including skipping meals and binge eating during the first year of college.
Digestive Problems
Digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea and indigestion can be traced to stress. This is because stress can lead to overeating, or eating the wrong types of foods. These symptoms, unless they become more frequent or severe, very rarely require medical attention.
Unexpected and often moderately severe breakouts of acne are a sign of stress. Usually acne can be treated at home with the right over-the-counter medicine. if the acne becomes more severe or more frequent, see your campus health provider.
Muscle Tension and Swelling
Stress can cause muscle tension and swelling, Schedule time each week for a massage from either a friend or a massage therapist to relieve muscle tension and swelling.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a very common sign of stress. If you feel dizzy, light headed, flushed, and appear red faced, you may be experiencing high blood pressure. See your physician or campus health provider for evaluation and treatment.
Tips For Reducing College Freshmen Stress
Sometimes you just need to get away from it all to relieve stress. Take a weekend vacation, go to a movie, go to a party, or even a night club. A day or two of a change in scenery can help immensely to relieve stress.