How to Lower Potassium Levels in Blood
Eat one garlic clove per day. The health benefits of garlic are numerous. And if you're trying to lower your potassium level, eat one garlic clove per day or take a garlic supplement.
Develop an active lifestyle. Leading a sedentary life increases your risk of developing various illnesses. However, being active and exercising can naturally lower your potassium level. Exercise in 30-minute intervals three times per week.
Increase your water intake. To lower your potassium level, drink at least 64 oz. of water per day. Water flushes harmful toxins from the body, and it can help you maintain a healthy potassium level.
Decrease your intake of potassium-rich foods. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which protect you against various illnesses. However, some fruits and vegetables contain a high amount of potassium. Eliminate high-potassium foods from your diet (potatoes, peas and bananas).
Take a calcium supplement. Calcium naturally lowers potassium. This nutrient is found is dairy products--milk, yogurt or cheese. If you are unable to eat dairy due to lactose intolerance, take a calcium supplement.