How to Treat Colic With Natural Remedies
Mix a small amount of Rooibos (South African tea) with breast or formula milk for the colicky baby. This remedy has been used for many years in South Africa to ease colic and is recommended by doctors there. [Source: Joubert, E., et al., "South African Herbal Teas: Aspalathus linearis, Cyclopia spp, and Athrixia phylicoide---a review." "Journal of Ethnopharmacology" 2008 Oct 28; 119(3):376-412.]
Drink one cup of chamomile tea a day as long as the baby is being nursed and colic continues. The effects of this are cumulative, and it might take 3 weeks to take effect. CAUTION: Do not give chamomile to a baby because it can cause an allergic reaction.
Prepare fennel seed tea using one tea bag in a cup of water. A nursing mother should drink a cup a day and give the baby one teaspoon three times a day. CAUTION: Mothers with any estrogen-sensitive condition such as breast cancer, fibrocystic breast disease or endometriosis should not take fennel seed.
Make a tea bag with peppermint. Have the nursing mother take one cup a day and give the baby 1 teaspoon three times a day. CAUTION: Do not take peppermint if there is an existing gallbladder problem.
Examine carefully the diet of a nursing mother. Some babies may be sensitive to foods the mother eats. Common problems come from chocolate, citrus fruits and drinks, caffeine or spices. Other problems that might be passed through the milk come from eating foods that tend to form gas such as beans, cauliflower, peppers, broccoli or Brussels sprouts.
Improve the mother's digestion if she is breastfeeding by taking 1/2 teaspoon of Lactobacillus acidophilus powder twice a day. If the baby is being bottle-fed, 1/8 teaspoon can be dissolved in his formula twice a day.
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