Treatments for Bronchitis
Schedule some bed rest. Most people are very busy and taking time to rest is hard. But put everything on hold, climb into bed and rest for as long as possible. This will allow your body much needed healing time.
Drink plenty of fluids. Have someone stock up on juice and water. Keep those fluids coming because your body desperately needs them to recover.
Ask about oral steroids. In more severe cases your doctor may need to provide oral steroids. This reduces inflammation and allows your body to begin healing.
If you're having trouble breathing seek immediate care. If you are struggling to breath seek immediate medical attention. You may need oxygen to aid in restoring your breathing to normal.
Keep coughing. People who suffer from bronchitis cough fiercely. Don't try to stop coughing. This is your body's way of trying to clear things up. And don't be tempted to take over the counter cough medicines because they don't allow your body to clear up the mucus.