How to Recognize the Symptoms of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
In order to grasp an effective understanding of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, you must first understand the basic elements of the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum is a concept that was developed by professionals in the area of science. It basically defines the radiation types that individuals on earth are exposed to on a regular basis. These scientific analysts basically state that this form of radiation is a form of energy. When it comes to the electromagnetic spectrum, the energy that defines radiation not only travels, but it seems to extend outward and spread.
There are many different forms of radiation that we are exposed to on a consistent basis. These include:
• Microwaves
• Standard Lighting
• Radio Waves
• Gamma-Rays
• Electrical WiringIt has been found that objects that exert a large amount of energy, and are "hot" emit a high level of radiation. Cooler, slower objects do not create as much radiation. Basically, something like an X-Ray can emit a large amount of radiation, while something like a simple radio will emit only a small amount.
Now that you have a basic understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum, it is time to learn a little bit about electromagnetic fields. These "fields" are areas that are actually invisible to the eye, yet they emit energy due to the fact that there is a current of electricity occurring somewhere in close proximity. Based on studies that have been conducted with animals, as well as various people from around the world, it has been determined that these "fields" produce a physiological response that is not exactly "positive". Many side effects, symptoms, and conditions occurred with the animals and humans that were tested. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity was among one of the conditions that occurred immediately following exposure.
Now, it is essential to understand that there is still testing and basic research being conducting on this particular issue, but to date, many interesting findings and/or conclusions have been brought to light. The test subjects that have been subjected to research and analytical studies based on electromagnetic fields and the onset of electromagnetic hypersensitivity have been found to suffer neurologically. Individuals and animals subjected to electromagnetic fields were found to react in numerous ways, and each seems to have a particular threshold when it came to the frequencies in which symptoms began to occur.
Some scientists conclude that the reaction to the fields of electromagnetic energy seem to be much like when a person suffers from an allergy. For example, there could be two people with an allergy to laundry soap. However, one person may prove to be more sensitive and they may suffer from much more severe symptoms than the other individual. The same seems to hold true for individuals exposed to these fields. One person, may example, may prove to be highly sensitive, while the next person may not show any symptoms until they are exposed to higher frequencies. Therefore, this concludes, that the immune system may suffer in one way or another when exposed to electromagnetic fields.
Many different types of people were studied, and they were exposed to many different types of products emitting radiation to determine if they would experience symptoms. In some tests, many people reacted immediately, while others had symptoms that were more delayed. For example, two people were provided with a new computer. One person immediately began to experience symptoms that are common to electromagnetic sensitivity. The other individual, however, never exhibited symptoms during the study. Products such as lighting, cell phones, televisions, and more were also tested and for nearly every product, someone experienced symptoms.
There are many symptoms that may be an indication that an individual is suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and these include:
• Mild to severe headaches
• Varying degrees of fatigue
• Irritation in one or both of the eyes
• Rashes that develop on the skin
• Ringing in the ears
• Mild to severe dizziness
• Nausea with and without vomiting
• Swelling and itching in the facial area
• General weakness
• Pain that is typically in the muscles or even the joints
• Complications in breathing
• Balance issues
• Emotional difficulties such as depression
• Concentration issues
• Problems with memory
• Problems in sleepIn severe cases of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, many individuals have suffered from severe spasms in the muscles, seizures, and even severe convulsions. If you find that you suffer from any of these symptoms, it is important to consult with a professional in electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
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