How to Treat Nausea Naturally
Eat ginger. Ginger is a natural cure for nausea and can be eaten along with a variety of foods. Sprinkle ginger on top of the foods you eat, and drink ginger ale. You can cook with ginger to give anything a little bit of nausea treatment properties. Take ginger pills if you are not feeling well enough to eat. Ginger pills work quickly and are as effective as harsh commercial nausea medications.
Use acupressure to stop nausea. Acupressure is comprised of putting pressure in specific points on the body to relieve certain symptoms. There are several acupressure points on the forearms that are pressed when using a nausea band. TA nausea band is available in most drug stores and does not provide any medication. It is worn simply to keep pressure on those points.
Get peppermint oil or peppermint candies that use the oil. Peppermint has long been a home remedy for nausea. Red and white peppermint candies can be effective against nausea, as can adding a few drops of peppermint oil to anything else. For people who don’t like the taste, put a few drops of the oil on a handkerchief and place it in front of the nose. The smell of peppermint is a powerful aromatherapy cure for nausea.
Lie on your left side. Because of the shape and placement of the stomach, lying on your left side can help to curb nausea. If the feeling comes on quickly and you aren’t sure you can make it in time to use another remedy, lie down on your left and wait for the feeling to lessen. Once it does, get a hold of one of your other natural cures to make the feeling go away completely.