How to Prevent Thrush
Things You'll Need
- Yogurt
- White vinegar
How to Prevent Thrush
Keep your diet balanced. This helps prevent thrush outbreaks in adults. Add yogurt to your diet if you feel a thrush outbreak coming on. The acidophilus in the yogurt helps to restore the natural bacterial balance in the body.
Seek the advice from a dentist if you have any sores caused by dentures or other oral devices. These can eventually lead to thrush infections.
Avoid smoking. Nicotine can cause additional problems with oral thrush.
Make a mixture that is equal parts white vinegar and water. When treating infants who might have oral thrush, wash all bottle nipples and pacifiers in this mixture and rinse thoroughly. Oral thrush in an infant looks like drops of milk in the mouth that you cannot wipe off.
Wash your bra frequently if you are breast-feeding a baby. Thrush can be transmitted from your bra to your breasts. Also, allow your breasts to air dry after feedings if at all possible, as this can prevent the build up of yeast, which love to live in warm, moist places. Wipe out your baby's mouth after feedings.
Practice good oral hygiene and rinse your mouth frequently. Remember to floss every day.
Limit the amount of sugar you eat if you are prone to thrush infections. Yeast needs sugar to live and thrive, so starving them of this will help keep thrush infections at bay.