How to Prevent Dry Eye Syndrome
Check your medications. Both over the counter and prescription medications can cause a reduction in the production of moisture and lubrication in and around the eyes. Such medicines as antidepressants, blood pressure medications and birth control pills can all have the side effect of drying out the eyes. Ask your doctor about alternatives that are less likely to trigger dry eye syndrome.
Remove the contact lenses. The constant wear of contact lenses can contribute to drying out the eyes, even when the lenses are kept well lubricated. If contact lenses seem to cause frequent bouts of irritation, switch to glasses before the irritation becomes constant.
Determine the level of humidity in the home or office. Modern air conditioning and heating systems can often dry out the air within buildings and begin to impact the natural production of lubrication for the eyes. Use a humidifier to return trace amounts of moisture to the air and minimize the chances of drying out the eyes.
Evaluate your climate. Dry eye syndrome is more common in areas where the climate is arid and contains less natural humidity. Use moisturizing eye drops on a recurring basis. Also run a humidifier in the home or office to create a balanced environment.
Rest your eyes. Constant eyestrain can accelerate the depletion of natural moisture. Taking a few moments to close your eyes and apply a cold washcloth or a couple of slices of cucumber to the eyelids can help to refresh they eyes, even if the application is no more than a few minutes.
Blink your eyelids. While most of us think of blinking as an involuntary process, the fact is that some of us do not blink as much as we need. When eyes begin to feel tired, choose to engage in blinking exercises for a few minutes. This can often help relieve irritation and also provide moisture to keep the eyes lubricated.