How to Treat Cirrhosis
Avoid the consumption of alcohol. Cirrhosis of the liver is often considered to be a disease associated only with alcohol abuse. While there is certainly a connection, one does not have to be an alcoholic in order to develop cirrhosis. Regardless of the level of dependency on alcoholic beverages, avoiding beer, wine and hard liquor will play a huge role in stopping the progression of the disease beyond the current condition.
Revamp the diet. A lack of proper vitamins and minerals in the daily food plan weaken the body’s natural defenses. This means the body has more trouble attempting to deal with cirrhosis and thus is not able to contain the condition. Consult a physician for a list of fruits, vegetables and lean meats that can help supply the nutrients required building up the body’s natural defense mechanisms.
Take supplements that are known to aid in liver function. These include Vitamin A, all the B vitamins, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K. Among the minerals, calcium, magnesium, and zinc may also be helpful. Check with a doctor to determine which vitamins and minerals would be most helpful.
Address fluid retention immediately. Excess fluid can create additional strain on the liver and further irritate the existing condition of cirrhosis. A physician can evaluate the level of retention and administer the appropriate treatment.
Report high blood pressure readings to your physician. High blood pressure not only indicates the presence of hypertension, but also may be an indicator of problems with blood vessels. Both situations can impact the liver and thus create further problems with cirrhosis.