How to Identify Folate Deficiency
Take a look at the pallor of your skin. One of the more common signs of a folate deficiency is skin that is seems to take on a paleness that is not usual for the individual. If friends have remarked that you seem to look pale lately, it may due to a lack of folate in your diet.
Notice changes in your heart rate. When a folate deficiency is present, the condition is sometimes manifested by a pulse that is weaker than usual, while at the same time becoming more rapid. The rapid heart rate may also be accompanied with periods where the heart experiences severe palpitations for short periods of time.
Assess your energy level. Folate is one of the B vitamins that helps to serve as energy for the body. When you find that normal exertions begin to leave you somewhat breathless, or that you are getting fatigued earlier in the day even after a good night’s sleep, that may be a sign that you have a folate deficiency.
Make note of any increases in the frequency or severity of headaches. A folate deficiency can lead to periods where headaches occur with increasingly regularity. At times, the headaches may also be accompanied with bouts of dizziness.
Consider your emotional and mental well being. Folate or folic acid is one of the B vitamins that help to maintain a healthy nervous system. If you notice that you are becoming increasingly irritable or jittery, it may be due to a lack of folate in your system.