How to Have Fun When Sick
Watch your favorite television shows or movies. Being home sick is a great time to catch up on television shows on the DVR, to check out daytime TV shows or to watch a favorite movie on DVD. Pick shows or movies that you love or that will make you laugh.
Read books or magazines. If you have a stack of magazines piling up or a book on your nightstand that you just can't find the time to finish, take advantage of your sick day to do these things. Reading is not only fun, but it will also help pass the time as well.
Play games. If you aren't too sick or contagious, you might want to play board games or other games with family or friends. If you are alone, however, you can play computer games, video games or even card games such as solitaire. Choose your favorite games and play away.
Talk to friends or family. Call a friend on the phone if you feel up to it. Talking to friends or loved ones can bring you a lot of fun especially if you reminisce about fun things you have done together.
Listen to some of your favorite music. Whether you use an iPod or you put a favorite CD in your CD player, music is always fun. Pick songs that are upbeat that you love. You will have a smile on your face in no time.
Take a nice, long bath. Use bubbles, even. Soak away in the tub for some fun and relaxation. You can even read a book while you take your bath or just close your eyes and rest your head on a bath pillow for a while.
Browse the Internet. You can window shop, watch online videos, chat with friends in chat rooms or post on message boards. This can be especially great if you have a laptop that you can use right in your own bed. It's also a great time to catch up on your email correspondence.