How to Buy a Light Therapy System
Consider paying anywhere from $100 to $700 for a light therapy system. Prices vary depending on the device and brand you buy.
Look for a system that doesn't aim the light directly at your eyes. The light should be directed downward. Additionally, it should have filters to filter out hazardous light rays.
Make sure that the system has been tested and its effectiveness proven through clinical trials.
Choose the type of light system most appropriate for your condition. Bright light therapy is used for general pain and depression. Color therapy is generally used for acne and skin problems, pain and depression. Low light therapy targets hair loss, edema, swelling and pain.
Take into consideration the fact that bright light therapy is the most common form of light therapy used. It involves sitting in front of a light box (lux box) that helps regulate the circadian rhythm (the 24-hour biological clock) and restore balance. This form of therapy treats most health problems and is particularly effective in treating emotional problems, general pain, sleep disorders and depression.
Buy a color therapy system if you want to treat hormone imbalances. This system uses red, blue, violet or white light. Energy from the light changes to electrical impulses when light enters the retina in your eyes. The impulses travel to the brain where they cause the release of hormones, which affect mood and pain sensitivity.
Opt for the low light therapy system if you have a busy schedule or travel frequently. This portable system involves using a laser wand that you apply to sore areas or acupuncture points. The system emits photons (light energy wavelengths) which are absorbed by the cells in your body and turned into cellular energy, which leads to faster healing and helps your body get rid of pain.