How to Buy Smelling Salts
Buy smelling salts online at stores that sell them. They may also be called "ammonia inhalants," but this is just another term for smelling salts.
Check the pharmacies at local drugstores to buy smelling salts. Ask the pharmacist if they sell smelling salts. If they don't, ask if you can order them.
Investigate super centers to see if they sell them. Go to the pharmacy section and check with the sales representatives in that section.
Purchase smelling salts from companies who sell first aid supplies. You may need a special license to buy from some of these companies, but some also sell to the public.
Ask local hospitals if they sell smelling salts to the public. Explain why you need them.
Inquire at the local ambulance corps in your neighborhood or city to see where they buy smelling salts. They may purchase wholesale, but the company may sell to the public as well.