How to Avoid Getting Salmonella
Start by thoroughly washing hands after using the toilet and before handling any food. This simple step will prevent most cases of salmonella. The salmonella bacteria live in the intestinal tract of humans and animals.
Wash all food preparation areas carefully. Cross contamination of raw foods occurs whenever food is prepared. Extra caution must be observed when handling meat of any kind. Wash the meat as well with warm water.
Avoid salmonella from eggs. Eggs and raw meat are the two most common sources of salmonella poisoning. Throw away any cracked eggs. If an egg shell feels slimy, it is probably contaminated with bacteria and should be tossed into the trash. Clean each egg with warm water and mild soap, and rinse the eggs to remove the soap.
Stay away from large special food events such as public holiday celebrations and picnics. The food for these events can sometimes be prepared hastily. If a piece of meat or egg-based dish looks or smells funny, do not eat it.
Get rid of pets, especially reptiles. Reptiles, such as lizards, are notorious for spreading salmonella. Do not pet animals, especially ones with diarrhea, before preparing food or eating.