How to Heal Blisters Naturally
Cleanse the area around the blister by soaking in warm salt water. Vinegar and warm water or garlic oil will also clean effectively.
Protect the blister from friction against shoes and socks. Use a loose bandage or moleskin when wearing shoes and socks and change it once a day. Try to avoid breaking the blister. The fluid in the blister will naturally absorb back into the skin. The more you protect from anything rubbing up against the blister the faster it will heal, and the less pain you'll feel.
Preserve the skin covering the area if the blister drains. The skin left after the fluid drains is a natural band aide that shouldn't be removed. Don't pop the blister if you can help it. Sometimes you can't help but put weight on it, and it pops accidentally. Sometimes it is too large and affects your everyday functioning. Sterilize any instrument you use to pop it and clean the area completely to help the blister heal naturally.
Use a cooling lubricant like Aloe Vera or vitamin E to speed the healing. Ice and wet tea bags are useful and will bring pain relief to the area.