How to Change the Cap on a PICC line

A PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) is a soft plastic tube that lasts much longer than the standard IV. Part of caring for a PICC line is making sure the catheter cap is in working order. If the medicine isn't going through you may need to change the cap.

Things You'll Need

  • New catheter cap
  • Catheter clamp
  • Alcohol prep pads
  • Clean gloves
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    • 1

      Wash your hands. A PICC line must remain absolutely sterile. Use soap and water. Dry with a paper towel.

    • 2

      Slide the clamp of the catheter to close it.

    • 3

      Try to stay completely sterile. Put on clean clothes. Do not touch anything you are not using.

    • 4

      Put the gloves on. Open the package with the new cap. Open two alcohol prep pads to be ready.

    • 5

      Clean the area directly above the old cap with both of the alcohol preps for at least 30 seconds.

    • 6

      Unscrew the old cap. Do not touch the end of the catheter with your fingers. Do not let the end of the catheter touch anything.

    • 7

      Hold the new cap from the rubber end. Take the protective covering off of the other end.

    • 8

      Add saline to the cap before you attach it to keep air out of the line. Screw the new cap on the catheter end. That's it. You can take off your gloves and wash your hands.

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