How to Treat Bladder Infections Naturally
A bladder infection occurs when bacteria has found it's way up the urethra and into the bladder, resulting in several unpleasant symptoms, including burning and a constant need to urinate. Antibiotics are typically prescribed, but can cause additional problems such as tolerance and a resulting yeast infection. Fortunately, there are several natural remedies that are effective in treating bladder infections, as well as relieving the symptoms.Instructions
Drink water and drink more water. At the first sign of an infection, water should be consumed continually. In some cases, this treatment may be all that's needed to flush out the infection.
Consume water with some unsweetened cranberry juice. You can find this at nearly any vitamin store. It will lower PH and thus help eliminate the stinging and infection.
Empty your bladder completely by closing your eyes and relaxing with a breathe out exercise to void the organ. Perform pelvic floor exercises, similar to Kegels, that stimulate the area with blood flow. Lay down and lift the hips while concentrating on squeezing the walls of your pelvic region. Do this a few times a day.
Use infusions and mixtures to attack the infection directly. Uva Ursi or a Yarrow (find this at a health food store) can be mixed with hot water and drained. A tolerable amount of vinegar can be added for a cleansing effect. This treatment helps eliminate infection-fueling sugars during the infection, and also for a week after the symptoms pass.