How to Shorten Conjunctivitis Bouts Naturally
Make a list of items to wash or discard. Keep bedding, towels and pillows clean and change pillow cases frequently. Throw away any makeup or eye drops that may cause reinfection later. Remove contact lenses and switch to glasses so the infection time will shorten.
Take an antioxidant like PCO, also know as OPC (oligomeric proanthocyanidin) with vitamin C to naturally enhance the effectiveness and shorten the infection time. Use Belladonna twice a day to relieve burning eyelids and light sensitivity if the infection is very sudden and intense.
Buy the dried herb Eyebright to make an infusion of one teaspoon and one cup boiling water. Cool and use as an eyewash or drops for antibacterial and cooling the eyes.
Make a compress by using cold water to shrink swelling and reduce itching. Use hot water to reduce bacteria but be careful of burning. Add some aloe vera juice, baking soda or chamomile for a soothing effect to either compress to shorten the bout.