How to Check a Conscious Victim
Ascertain whether or not the victim is conscious by tapping the victim and shouting, "Hello. Are you awake?" If the victim can't answer, check for other signs of consciousness, such as alertness, open eyes and voluntary, purposeful movement.
Introduce yourself to a conscious victim, and ask for consent to lend assistance. If the victim says, "No," there is nothing you can do. If the victim is conscious but disoriented, is unconscious or is a minor with no legal guardian present, you have implied consent to render assistance. If the victim is initially conscious, rejects assistance but subsequently loses consciousness, that constitutes implied consent.
Check the victim from head to toe, looking for obvious signs of injury and trauma, including cuts, bumps and bruises. Check the victim's skin color and temperature, observe whether the victim's skin is clammy, and check the victim's lips and fingernail beds for normal coloring.
Ask the victim if she can wiggle her fingers and toes. Hold the victim's hands and feet and ask the victim if she can feel your touch.
Call 911 if the victim seems disoriented or is unable to coherently respond to your questions.