How to Treat Tetanus
Get a tetanus booster every 5 years and immediately if you receive a puncture wound, cut or abrasion and don't know when you had your last booster. If you get the shot quickly enough it may help you to avoid getting this disease even if it is administered after coming in contact with the bacteria.
Visit your doctor immediately if you suspect you may be experiencing the symptoms of tetanus. The bacteria and toxins produced must be eliminated from your body quickly, if possible. You'll be given tetanus immune globulin (TIG), which provides antibodies to help your own immune system get rid of this potentially deadly disease.
Clean the wound thoroughly or have your doctor do so. The infected area around the wound must be surgically removed in a process called "debridement." This is necessary, because even a small amount of the bacillus can cause a full-blown case of tetanus. You'll probably get metronidazole treatments, which decrease the amount of bacterium, although this drug does not affect the toxins.
Follow your doctor's orders if you have a severe case of tetanus. Admission into the intensive care unit (ICU) in the hospital for special care might be needed. One of the treatments, a tracheotomy, might be necessary where you'll receive mechanical ventilation for approximately one month because of the danger of lung spasms or seizures. To prevent muscles spasms, magnesium and Valium may be administered through an IV.
Accept the fact the treatment, while lengthy and extremely unpleasant, is absolutely necessary for recovery from tetanus. In the most severe cases chemical paralysis will be induced to remove danger of any seizures, a tracheotomy will be performed and a mechanical ventilator will keep airways clear and allow your body to receive the oxygen necessary for survival.