How to Treat Gangrene
Things You'll Need
- Anticoagulant
- High-protein Foods
- Water
- Analgesics
- Antibiotics
Take antibiotics as directed by your doctor, if the gangrene is caused by a bacterial invasion. Antibiotics must be started early in the course of the treatment to be effective. In most cases, intravenous administration is the preferred route.
Take an anticoagulant as directed by your physician to reduce the likelihood of blood clots developing in the affected body part.
Eat a high-protein diet, if recommended by your doctor. Protein helps repair damaged tissue.
Drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses a day. Extra hydration helps tissue heal because so much of the body is made up of water.
Wear custom-built shoes to keep pressure off of toes or heels that might be showing signs of necrosis.
Avoid nonselective beta blockers (prescription medicine). These drugs can reduce blood flow to the extremities.
Debride the gangrenous tissue, as ordered by your doctor. Debriding removes dead tissue, allowing fresh, pink tissue to flourish.
Have the gangrenous tissue removed by a surgeon. If necrosis is irreversible, the body part may have to be amputated. Consider a surgical resection of the gangrenous area.