How to Treat Pneumonia
Things You'll Need
- Analgesics
- Expectorants
- Oral Antibiotics
See your doctor. Go to your local emergency room if your doctor is unavailable, if you have a high fever accompanied by a cough that brings up colored sputum, or if you have difficulty breathing.
Receive anti-pneumonia medication, either oral or intravenous.
Drink plenty of fluids. This aids the immune system and helps loosen lung congestion.
Take analgesics for pain. Your chest muscles may become sore from coughing and the added effort of breathing, and your body will feel achy from fighting infection. Ask your doctor what analgesic is right for you. For severe pneumonia, your doctor may prescribe codeine, but take it as sparingly as possible. Codeine suppresses coughing, and coughing is beneficial to the lungs.
Rest. If you have pneumonia, get at least eight hours of sleep each night, and take a midday catnap.
Cough and breathe deeply. Expand your lungs and help them heal by taking deep breaths through your mouth, holding the air in for 5 to 10 seconds and exhaling forcefully.
Take an expectorant, like guaifenesin, to bring up sputum. However, studies offer no conclusive proof that expectorants speed up recovery from pneumonia.