What can patients consume before sergery and after?
* Solids: Patients should eat a light meal of carbohydrates and protein the night before surgery. Avoid eating fatty, spicy, or heavy foods, as these can cause nausea and vomiting.
* Liquids: Patients should drink plenty of clear liquids, such as water, juice, and soup, in the hours leading up to surgery. Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages, as these can dehydrate the body and increase the risk of bleeding.
After Surgery
* Solids: Patients should start with a clear liquid diet immediately after surgery. As they recover, they can gradually add soft foods, such as oatmeal, yogurt, and mashed potatoes. Patients should avoid eating hard, crunchy, or spicy foods, as these can irritate the digestive system.
* Liquids: Patients should continue to drink plenty of clear liquids after surgery. They can also add milk, coffee, and tea to their diet, as tolerated. Patients should avoid drinking alcohol, as this can dehydrate the body and interfere with healing.