Home Cold Remedies for Toddlers
Fluids and Rest
A common cold generally lasts between seven to 10 days. If your child's immune system is healthy, his body will naturally heal itself. Ensure that the toddler is getting enough rest and regularly check his temperature too see that it is not running to high. Also make sure that he is getting enough liquids. A toddler with a cold can sleep for 16 to 18 hours per day. Make sure to keep your child well-hydrated, warm and well-fed, too.
Soup is more easily digested than solid foods, which can be important if your child has an upset stomach. The warm liquid can also feel soothing on a sore throat and can help to break up phlegm. Chicken in vegetable soup both have lots of nutrients which can give your child's body the fuel to help fight infection.
A humidifier can help break up phlegm and make it easier for your child to breathe. It can also reduce her cough. Add a drop of lavender oil in the humidifier and it can also help to soothe and relax her and also help her to sleep better.
Tea with Honey
Honey soothes a sore throat due to colds and can also relieve a cough. However, tea with honey should not be given to toddlers younger than 1 year old because it might cause them botulism. To prepare honey tea, heat up at least two ounces of water. It should be warm, but not boiling hot. Mix a ½ teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lime or lemon juice. Stir to mix it well. Let the toddler drink the tea while it is warm. Serve it every day while your child is sick.