Sure Fire Cures for Hangovers
Eat Something
Eating might be the last thing that seems appealing after waking up with a hangover, but food can be a good way to absorb the alcohol still left in the body after a night of drinking. Eggs, in particular, have been touted as a good hangover food. Eggs contain cysteine, which might help the liver breakdown toxins from the alcohol. If food makes the nausea worse, try eating a very small portion of something easily digestible like fruit or whole grain bread.
Drink Fluids
It's common knowledge that drinking dehydrates the body. It's a good idea to drink one glass of water for every alcoholic drink consumed, but a hangover also requires plenty of liquids. Since the body loses minerals and salts from processing alcohol, drink a bottle of a sports drink or electrolyte-enhanced water to help replenish and hydrate cells. Herbal tea, such as peppermint or ginger, can also help soothe an upset stomach and ease symptoms of nausea.
Epsom Salt Bath
An Epsom salt bath is an easy and effective way to reduce the symptoms of a hangover, especially headaches. Epsom salt helps relax swollen blood vessels and can draw toxins out of the skin. Empty a few cups of Epsom salt into a warm bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. This hangover remedy can also have a soothing effect on bloating or pressure in the head.
When all else fails, sleep is one of the best ways to cure a hangover. In fact, time and rest can completely alleviate hangover symptoms. If possible, put off work or chores until your symptoms are gone. Apply a cold compress to the head and turn off cell phones and TVs for a few hours. Straining to get things done instead of resting usually only makes a hangover worse.