| | Conditions Treatments | Illness
What are the symptoms of AR?
- Fatigue
- Lack of energy
- Decreased appetite
- Feeling cold when others feel warm
- Menstrual irregularities
- Mild pain in the muscles, joints, or back
- Mild stomach problems
- Mild depression
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Itchy skin
- Loss of pubic hair
- Loss of axillary (underarm) hair
Intermediate Symptoms of AR
- Increased need to urinate frequently
- Blood in the urine
- Joint and muscle pain
- Dry mouth
- Dry eyes
- Difficulty sleeping
- Weight gain
- Skin problems
- Hair loss on the head
- Difficulty swallowing
Late Symptoms of AR
- Kidney failure
- Heart failure
- Stroke
- Coma
- Death