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How to Strengthen the PC Muscles Through Kegel Exercises
The pubococcygeal or PC muscle stretches across the pelvis. In women, pelvic floor muscles and their connective tissue support and hold in place the uterus, bladder, urethra and rectum. In men, pelvic floor muscles provide support for the bladder and also control a second sphincter, near the bottom of the prostrate that can be strengthened if the main sphincter is injured. When pelvic floor muscles become weak, a number of disorders may occur, such as incontinence or prolapse. Dr. Arnold Kegel created a simple method to strengthen the PC muscle by isolating and contracting it. If you do Kegel exercises every day for at least five minutes at a time, your PC muscles should strengthen within six to 12 weeks.Instructions
Empty your bladder.
Isolate your pelvic floor muscles so that you do Kegels correctly. Insert one finger in your vagina if you're a woman. Insert one finger in your rectum if you're a man. Contract your muscles until you're squeezing the finger. Practice this until you're sure you know which muscles to tighten.
Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Tighten your PC and pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds. If you feel uncomfortable or are unable to hold your muscles for that long, try for four seconds instead.
Relax for four to 10 seconds, depending on how long you contracted your muscles. Repeat this cycle 10 times.