How to Care for a Dual Lumen Port
Things You'll Need
- Disposable gloves
- Gauze dressing
- Alcohol wipe
Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Put on a pair of disposable gloves. The gloves create a barrier between your skin and the port, ensuring that no germs are transferred to the port.
Remove the dressing surrounding the port if you have one in place. Be careful not to pull adhesive bandages away too quickly because the adhesive may injure the underlying skin. A dressing can help support and secure the needle.
Inspect the skin surrounding the port. Contact your health care provider if the skin is red, swollen or bruised. Also contact your health care provider if the site is tender or if it feels like the port has moved.
Clean the skin surrounding the port with an alcohol wipe. If a needle is not inserted in the port, bathe or shower as you normally would.
Flush each septum of the port with a heparin or saline solution. The port should be flushed after each injection or at least every four weeks. This can be done by a registered nurse, or you may receive special instructions and training to complete this process on your own. Your prescribing physician will instruct you on the amount of solution that is needed for your port. The solution will break up any clots that may form within the port system. Alert your health care provider immediately if you meet any resistance while flushing the port.
Wipe the area with gauze following an injection or flush to ensure that there is no medication or blood left on the site. Replace the dressing if there is a needle or lock system inserted in the port. A lock system is a catheter connected to the needle that can be locked when not in use.
Remove the gloves and wash your hands with soap and warm water.