How to Do a Self Medical Diagnosis Online
Write down a list of the symptoms that you are experiencing. This list will serve as a reference point while you perform the diagnosis.
Visit WebMD, Your Diagnosis or Easy Diagnosis and use their online symptom checker feature to input symptoms from the list you've assembled. WebMD's is located on the left-hand side of the website. Both Your Diagnosis and Easy Diagnosis offer their symptom-checking features at the center of their respective home pages.
Examine the different ailments that are suggested by the symptom checker and, through process of elimination, narrow down the ailments to those that seem to fit your symptoms the best.
Create a second list of the medical ailments that seem to match your symptoms the best. Research these ailments on their own to further validate their existence in your body.
Research potential treatments and solutions to the ailments that seem to be most relevant to your symptoms to complete the diagnosis.