How to Prevent Congestion

Nasal congestion occurs when the nasal tissues and blood vessels in the nose become swollen and produce excess fluid. A cold, flu, virus, sinusitis or allergies are usually accompanied by nasal congestion. For those with chronic sinusitis, sinus infections, a deviated septum or allergies, it's important to prevent the nasal congestion that can aggravate these conditions. Even dry winter weather or rainy, humid climates can bring on congestion for sufferers. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent nasal congestion or minimize its effects when you are ill.

Things You'll Need

  • Air filter
  • Nasal spray
  • HEPA vaccum cleaner
  • Decongestant
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  1. Natural Prevention

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      Blow your nose correctly. Blowing too hard forces mucus back into the nasal passages. The best method way is to place a tissue under one nostril, hold the other nostril closed, and blow gently. Do the same on the other nostril and repeat until the nostrils are clear.

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      Drink plenty of water to moisturize the nasal passages and dilute excess mucus.

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      Avoid environments that exacerbate allergies to such substances as tobacco, perfume or animal dander.

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      Avoid dairy products, including milk. They can cause excess mucus.

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      Add a small amount of cinnamon, cumin, mint leaves or eucalyptus leaves to steaming water and breathe in the vapors if you start to feel congested. To concentrate the steam, drape a towel over your head and the basin.


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      Use a humidifier, especially in bedrooms, to moisturize dry air and cleanse it of pollutants, including dust, animal dander and dust mites.

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      Buy a vacuum with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter. This traps allergens and pet dander as well as bacteria, fungus and parasites that can grow unseen in the cleanest of homes.

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      An air purifier or air conditioner helps keep air clean.

    Sprays and Medicines

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      Use a nasal saline spray every day, whether you are congested or not. Most pharmacies carry saline sprays. The water keeps your nasal passages moisturized and prevents mucus from building up, while the salt prevents potential inflammation.

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      Ask your doctor to prescribe a nasal spray if you have chronic allergies or sinusitis.

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      Use over-the-counter remedies that contain either an antihistamine, nasal decongestant or both at the first sign of congestion. Be sure to read the package carefully so that you buy only the ingredients you need. If you don't have the flu, don't buy a flu medication that treats a cough or body aches.

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