Early Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Mild Hangover
Your body reacts immediately when it is in alcohol withdrawal. Along with discomfort, the body experiences other withdrawal symptoms. Commonly called a hangover, the morning after the body has been exposed to high ethyl-alcohol levels, it produces headaches and irritability. A mild hangover also manifests itself in extreme thirst. According to drinkfocus.com, a person experiencing a hangover might have body aches, nausea and loss of appetite. Vomiting is also common, which helps cleanse the body of alcohol in the system. Mild hangovers are temporary and can be relieved by getting lots of sleep and replenishing the body with water.
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is experienced by those who have abused the substance for weeks, months or years, according to familydoctor.org. Taking alcohol away after the body has gotten used to it produces immediate physical reactions such as shakiness, sweating and fever. A person experiencing early stages of alcohol withdrawal syndrome might experience convulsions and hallucinations. The body becomes weak from fatigue and headaches. A noticeable physical symptom is pale skin. Chest pain and stomach pain are also common reactions. Those experiencing these early alcohol withdrawal symptoms should see a doctor.
Delirium Tremens
Medline Plus states that delirium tremens is a serious and sudden reaction to alcohol withdrawal. Those experiencing delirium tremens might have severe neurological symptoms. A person who has not eaten enough food before drinking alcohol is at risk for developing delirium tremens. The withdrawal condition produces symptoms up to seven to 10 days after the last drink. Delirium tremens causes mental changes such as confusion, disorientation and delirium. The person might experience hallucinations and have extreme fear or anxiety. Other alcohol withdrawal symptoms can include sensitivity to light and sound, mood swings and restlessness. If the symptoms of delirium tremens persist past the early stage, admittance to the hospital might be required.