Throat Disorders
Strep Throat
Strep throat is an example of a bacterial throat infection. Along with a sore throat, this contagious disease is characterized by nausea, fever and stomach pain. The appearance of red and white patches in the throat and inflammation of the tonsils are visual indicators of strep throat. Doctors can treat the infection with antibiotics.
Vocal Cord Paralysis
Vocal cord paralysis is a severe disorder that involves nerve damage in the throat. The condition results in difficulty breathing, vocalizing and swallowing. Viral infection, stroke, blunt trauma and cancerous tumors are several possible causes of vocal cord paralysis.
Cancer can develop in several places in the neck area, including the salivary gland, voice box (larynx) and windpipe. These types of cancers are mostly associated with heavy tobacco use. Symptoms include a chronic sore throat and the appearance of an abnormal lump or sore. Treatment is available if the cancer is discovered early.