How to Naturally Get Rid of Parasites in Your Body
Things You'll Need
- Colon cleanse kit
- Probiotic capsules
- Enema bottle or enema bag
Discuss treating everyone in the home, including the family pets. Treating only one person in the family will be of no significance if the parasite is still lingering in another family member. Reinfestation would surely occur.
Buy a colon cleanse that consists of black walnut hulls, wormwood and cloves. All three herbs have to be used together to be effective. Black walnut hulls and wormwood hulls rid the body of fully developed and developing parasites. Cloves destroy the eggs that parasites lay to hatch inside your body.
Take three drops of the cleanse by mouth three times per day with your favorite noncarbonated drink. You can also mix it with water. It is recommended that you begin with only three drops, gradually increasing the dose to 10 drops per day for 14 days.
Make and use a probiotic enema to remove parasites from the colon walls. You might be able to remove the parasites from your upper digestive tract, but you will need treatment for the lower digestive tract, which includes the colon, as well.
Prepare the probiotic enema by emptying five probiotic capsules into 30 mL of warm water and pour the mixture into your enema bottle or bag. Use the directions on the label or package that your enema bag or bottle came in.