Why Is High Cholesterol of Concern to a Respiratory Therapist?
High Cholesterol
High cholesterol occurs in patients because of factors such as genetics, sedentary lifestyles and poor diets. Cholesterol is a type of fat found in many foods and is also produced by the liver. It is an essential substance, but a high level of cholesterol in the blood causes problems such as heart disease, Alzheimer's and respiratory distress--which is why patients must inform their respiratory therapist of any cholesterol-related conditions.
High Cholesterol and the Respiratory System
A significant problem patients with high blood cholesterol experience is decreased blood flow because of the narrowing of arteries. As cholesterol builds along a patient's arteries, the arteries' diameter decreases, reducing the efficiency of blood flow. As blood flow decreases, the volume of oxygen being supplied to the body's muscles is reduced, decreasing a patient's strength and endurance. This is known as coronary heart disease.
Prevention and Treatment
High cholesterol can best be prevented by maintaining a healthy diet low in saturated and trans fats coupled with an active lifestyle. Regular physicals are necessary to monitor cholesterol levels. If seeing a respiratory therapist, inform him of any issues concerning high cholesterol.