How to Prevent Simulator Sickness
Things You'll Need
- Ginger chews
- Ginger tea
- Ginger cookies
- Salty crackers
- Water bottle
- Dimenhydrinate
- Antihistamine
Prepare the day before. Eat only light meals. Avoid heavy, greasy meals as well as spicy or acidic food which are more likely to upset your stomach.
Drink a cup of ginger tea before beginning the simulation --- ginger is a natural remedy for calming an upset stomach and is also used to prevent and treat nausea. Eating a ginger cookie or a ginger chew are also good options.
Relax your body. Take deep breaths --- a common cause for motion sickness is anxiety.
Drink plenty of water before and during simulator use. Chew on a ginger chew or eat salty crackers if you begin to feel nauseated --- both will help to settle your stomach and prevent the symptoms from getting stronger.
Expose yourself to fresh air if possible. Open a window or turn on a fan to circulate the air in the simulation room.
Take an over-the-counter medication such as dimenhydrinate or an antihistamine which are both used to treat nausea.